Valentine’s Day Protests

In 2021, on Valentine’s Day parents from across the US took to the streets to demand an end to medical experiments on healthy children and to stop the transing of LGB and non-stereotypical youth. Their message was too important to let anything stand in their way; not snow, freezing temperatures, counter protesters, or hospital security.

Protests took place outside gender clinics in Los Angeles, Hartford, and Philadelphia. The US protests were the first nationally coordinated protests at gender clinics in the US.

Valentine’s Day Protests

Valentine's Day National Protests 2021

In collaboration with:

Valentine's Day

On February 14, 2021, LGB Fight Back and Parents of ROGD Kids sent a message to young people:

“We love you just the way you are!”

Fighting Back With Love

Parents from across the US and Canada took to the streets to demand an end to medical experiments on healthy children and to stop the transing of LGB and non-stereotypical youth. With love in their hearts nothing could stand in their way; not snow, freezing temperatures, counter protesters, or hospital security.

Protests took place outside gender clinics in Los Angeles, Hartford, Philadelphia, and Ontario. These protests, organized by LGB Fight Back, were the first nationally coordinated protests at gender clinics in the US.

Born in the wrong body?

Kids and teens are being sent the message that it’s possible to be “born in the wrong body.” Authority figures like teachers, counselors, and doctors are tracking young people toward medicalization to make them appear to be the opposite sex. LGB Fight Back knows that no one is “born in the wrong body.” We believe that young people need encouragement and support to accept themselves and get used to their bodies, rather than trying to change themselves.

*See Colin M. Wright and Emma N. Hilton, “The Dangerous Denial of Sex.”

What does this have to do with LGB people?

Big Med, Big Psych, and Big Pharma are targeting kids who don’t conform to sex-based stereotypes—kids who are likely to grow up to be LGB. Studies have shown that the vast majority of children who receive a “gender dysphoria” diagnosis will desist by the end of puberty and turn out to be LGB adults. LGB Fight Back’s mission is to protect future generations of lesbians, gay men, and bisexual men and women from being seduced by the dangerous lies of transgenderism.

*For non-sterotypical youth growing up LGB, see Li, Kung, and Hines 2017.

*For kids subject to homophobic bullying choosing to trans, see Delay et al. 2017.

*For “dysphoric” kids growing up LGB, see Wallien and Cohen-Kettenis 2008 and Singh, Bradley, and Zucker 2021.

Aren’t gay and trans the same thing?

No! LGB and T are polar opposites. Gay people are same-sex attracted; transgenderism denies the reality of biological sex. “Transgender” ideology harms LGB youth by convincing them that their same-sex attraction means that they are or should be the opposite sex, and that they need to medically “transition.” Today’s youth culture shames LGB people and demands that LGB youth adopt a “trans” or “non-binary” identity instead of being out and proud. In addition, the loss of so many adult lesbians to medicalization has robbed young lesbians and bisexual women of role models.

*See Jen Izaakson, “Losing Lesbians,” and Get the L Out UK’s “Lesbians at Ground Zero.”

What’s so bad about puberty blockers?

Drugs sold off-label as “puberty blockers” interfere with healthy development, stunting the growth of kids’ brains, bones, and organs. Adults who took these drugs as children develop osteoporosis in their 20s. These drugs have also been shown to lower IQ, increase suicidal ideation, and worsen depression. “Puberty blockers” are not a “pause button”: they have permanent effects, and they’re a pipeline to lifelong medicalization. Nearly 100% of kids who take them go on to take hormones, and most go on to have invasive and cosmetic surgeries.

*See Christina Jewett, “Women fear drug they used to halt puberty led to health problems,” Joseph, Ting, and Butler 2018, and Wojniusz et al. 2016.

*For the blockers-to-hormones-and-surgery pipeline, see de Vries et al. 2010 and 2014.

Doesn’t transing prevent suicide?

Transing actually increases the risk of suicide in both young people and adults. Credible studies have linked “puberty blockers” to worsened depression, and shown that children who take these drugs for a year have an increased risk of suicide. The largest and most comprehensive study of “transition” outcomes ever conducted linked “sex reassignment” procedures to worsened mental illness and increased rates of suicide.

*For puberty blockers and suicide risk, see Deborah Cohen and Hannah Barnes, “Questions remain over puberty-blockers, as review clears study.”

*For adult “sex reassignment” and suicide risk, see Dhejne et al. 2011.

Isn’t there any oversight?

No. Laws in an increasing number of states require therapists to affirm anyone who claims to be “trans.” The “affirmative model” prevents therapists from exploring the real causes of their patients’ distress—which often include normal discomfort over puberty. Some therapists even push clients into transing because they don’t conform to sex stereotypes or because they’re same-sex attracted. Doctors, gender clinics, and organizations like Planned Parenthood do not require a therapist’s referral, and often prescribe “puberty blockers” or artificial hormones at the first visit.

*Against the “affirmative model,” see Sexology Today, “American Academy of Pediatrics policy and trans- kids: Fact-checking,” Laidlaw et al.’s letter to the editor at JCEM, and the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine.

Who profits off these medical experiments?

Big Pharma is the number one beneficiary of “trans” medical abuses. Lupron, a popular drug sold off-label as a “puberty blocker,” retails for nearly $2,000 a month before insurance. In just the first 9 months of 2020, the pharma company AbbVie made $571 million from Lupron. Other financial beneficiaries include surgeons who perform cosmetic mastectomies on teenage girls and castrate teenage boys, surgical supply companies, and manufacturers of artificial hormones, who turn healthy children into lifelong medical patients for profit.

*For the numbers above, see and AbbVie’s own financial reports.

*To learn about complaints and lawsuits involving Lupron, visit Lupron Victims Hub.

*On boys castrated before they even turned 18, see Milrod and Karasic 2017.

Is this only happening in the US?

The “transgender” industrial boom started in the US, but it is now affecting young people across the globe. Fortunately, people are starting to wake up and fight back. In 2020, a young British woman named Keira Bell sued the UK’s Tavistock gender clinic for prescribing her puberty blockers and testosterone. And in 2021, Sweden became the first country to comprehensively ban the use of puberty blockers on children under 18.

*See Raquel Rosario Sánchez’ interview with Keira Bell and SEGM, “Sweden’s Karolinska Ends All Use of Puberty Blockers and Cross-Sex Hormones for Minors Outside of Clinical Studies.”

This National Day of Action was sponsored by LGB Fight Back and Parents of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoric Kids.

For more information, go to:

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Apply to Volunteer with LGB Fight Back!

LGB Fight Back is seeking lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people with specific skill sets to join the LGBFB team.

LGB Fight Back has several volunteer positions available.

If you are interest in one of the open positions, apply by emailing Please share your qualifications, relevant experience and why you’d like to volunteer with LGBFB.

*All emails received will remain confidential.

Draft and edit organizational content; ability to respond quickly to current events such as changes to US policy; compile historical, medical, psychological, and market research.

Conceptualize, plan and implement strategic plans and coordinate volunteer projects. *Requires strong interpersonal and communication skills, time management, and the ability to coordinate projects from start to finish.

Design creative and aesthetically pleasing visuals for LGB Fight Back’s website, social media, and written literature.

‘Who is Keira Bell?’: Parents launch mobile campaign warning against trans medicalization

'Who is Keira Bell?': Parents launch mobile campaign warning against trans medicalization

By Brandon Showalter, Christian Post

“It was literally crickets,” said Carrie Hathorn, national organizer for LGB Fight Back, who told CP at the time that her group sent out press alerts about the Valentine’s Day demonstrations but received no response from journalists. “I was hoping that our actions would break the media blackout but I have now realized how bad it is,” she said.  Despite the lack of press coverage and well-known support groups, parents of transgender-identifying children who’ve managed to find each other have started demonstrating outside gender clinics nationwide, holding placards calling attention to the harms in transgender medical practices. Together with the recently-formed LGB Fight Back — a group of gays, lesbians, and bisexuals who maintain that “transgender identity” is not “gay adjacent” — parents held protests on Feb. 14 in six cities across the U.S. and Canada.

Information about these experimental medical practices hasn’t been easy to find and parents of gender-confused youth have struggled to locate helpful resources, the mother told CP. Bell’s story is familiar for parents of trans-identifying teen girls, the mother continued, in as much as the trajectory looks similar to how Bell became mired in gender distress and ended up with regret and irreversible medical complications. 

The LGB Fight Back for the kids in America

The LGB Fight Back for the kids in America

by Jo Bartosch, Gay and Lesbian News 

 “Just when it seemed like the gay rights movement had gained ground, the medical establishment started transing the gay away. Transgenderism, transing LGB youth, is just the latest form of homophobia.”

  •  “LGB Fightback and Parents of ROGD Kids are grassroots, and in squaring-up against pharmaceutical companies, government and the industry that has built up around gender identity they have taken on an epic battle.”
  • The UK is leading the world in the fight to protect children with gender dysphoria. Thanks to the efforts of campaign groups, whistleblowing clinicians and prominent detransitioners, the UK government can no longer ignore the concerns raised over the increasing numbers of children adopting trans identities – but it’s a different picture in the United States, reports Jo Bartosch.
  • Across the pond the picture is more complicated: thanks to the private insurance system of medical care the grip of pharmaceutical companies on clinical practice is deeply entrenched. But recently, new groups, including LGB Fight Back and Parents of ROGD Kids (Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria), have begun to band together to challenge the medicalisation of children who experience psychological discomfort in their bodies. At the forefront of their concerns are the disproportionate numbers of same-sex attracted youth seeking to identify as transgender in order to pass as heterosexual.

New Lesbian Gay Bisexual Fight Back group organises Valentines Day protests against anti-GBL eugenics championed by trans activists

New Lesbian Gay Bisexual Fight Back group organises Valentines Day protests against anti-GBL eugenics championed by trans activists

Published by Redline: Contemporary Marxist Analysis

 “‘Trans is not Gay Plus. It is not Gay 2.0 … In fact, it’s just the opposite. The T is a parasite on the gay community.’”

LGB Fight Back formed in response to the exponential rise of transgenderism and the forced teaming of the LGB with the transgender movement. Society at large is being gaslighted by activists into supporting the false idea that trans is “gay-adjacent.” The transgender movement, driven by medical corporations and Big Pharma, reinforces conservative stereotypes of male and female behavior, and directly targets LGB people for medical experimentation that shortens their lifespans, turns them into lifelong medical patients, and renders them sterile.

LGB Fight Back Holds Valentine’s Protests in 5 Cities: “Stop Transing Kids!”

LGB Fight Back Holds Valentine’s Protests in 5 Cities: “Stop Transing Kids!”

“Being gay is not a medical condition. It is perfectly normal for LGB people not to conform to sex-based stereotypes. Targeting non-conforming young people for medical experimentation feels like gay eugenics all over again.”

“Kids who don’t conform to rigid sex-based stereotypes are the most at-risk for being seduced into thinking that they’re the opposite sex,” said Belissa Cohen, spokesperson for LGB Fight Back. “Studies have shown that, if not affirmed as the opposite sex, the vast majority desist from wanting to present as the opposite sex. It’s likely some of these kids will grow up to be lesbian, gay, or bisexual.” Cohen added, “Being gay is not a medical condition. It is perfectly normal for LGB people not to conform to sex-based stereotypes. Targeting non-conforming young people for medical experimentation feels like gay eugenics all over again.”

Parents join newly formed LGB group to protest outside 6 transgender clinics in US, Canada

Parents join newly formed LGB group to protest outside 6 transgender clinics in US, Canada

by Brandon Showalter, Christian Post

“Lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people were the first to be targeted for ‘trans’ medical experimentation,” Hathorn explained. “Big Med and Big Pharma used transgenderism to Trojan Horse the LGB movement. They turned PRIDE into a corporate event, then added the T to LGB. Big Med and Big Pharma see LGB people as a market to exploit for profit,” she said.

Among the financial backers pushing gender identity policies in the legal structures of nations worldwide through various philanthropic activities and lobbying efforts are tech titan Tim Gill and John Stryker, who is heir to a $13.6 billion medical corporation and the creator of the Arcus Foundation, according to an earlier report in First Things.