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Valentine’s Day Protests

On Valentine’s Day 2021, LGB Fight Back teamed up with parents from across the US and Canada who took to the streets to demand an end to medical experiments on healthy children and to stop the transing of LGB and non-stereotypical youth. Protests took place outside gender clinics in Los Angeles, Hartford, Philadelphia, and Ontario. Our protests were the first nationally coordinated protests at gender clinics in the US.

Hottest Interview

LGB Fight Back “Real Talks” with Zuby—rapper, podcaster, and “strongest woman in the UK”—about “woke” homophobia, “genital fetishism,” and how transgenderism created a rift within the LGB community.

Get Involved

Apply to Join LGB Fight Back! LGB Fight Back is seeking lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people with specific skill sets to join the LGBFB team.

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